Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And some more...

Today 'Lias was using the storage bin to walk to the table. I tried to get it on video, but he thought it would be funnier to dance instead. I'm going through all his clothes and packing up what's too small. It's very bittersweet to see my boy getting so big...or is it just bitter?


Anonymous said...

Hi Cassie,
My name is Jaimie Goff and I got your blog address from Uncle Jerry. I am married to Steve Goff. I just love looking at your blog. Elias is VERY cute. Your little videos of him just crack me up! I am trying to get all the family info together. Leah supplied me with birthdates but I would like to get yours and Jennifer's as well if I could. I will contact Jennifer as well. Please email me if you can. My email address is Thanks - Jaimie :)

Anonymous said...

Aww Cassie! I am not looking forward to our little girl growing up either! but yet I am...make sense? He is so cute! You all should come up sometime and stay a few days!! It would be fun! -Jamie