Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday, August 31 - A fun toy

Mom gave me this Tiger stuffed animal that's holding a small blanket (Mommy thinks Russ and Andrea gave it to me) this morning and I haven't let go of him since!

I was so excited about something!

Thursday, August 30 - More fun with Simon

Monday, August 27 - Dinner with Accola's

Our friends, Justin, Sara and Simon, have taken a job in Wisconsin. We went to dinner with them at Texas Roadhouse on Monday to say goodbye. Look closely at Simon's shoulder -- I was holding on to him -- not sure he liked it, but I'm always laughing at him or wanting to touch him. Guess I already know that we're going to be the best of friends, even if we live in different states! Mommy says we're going to miss them SO much.

Saturday, August 25 - Helping G'pa & G'ma move

Emily loves watching me play.

Trenton is so sweet on me. He's always hugging me or wanting to hold me. I can't tell if I like all the attention or not.

Me and my grandpa.

Friday, August 24 - More playing

This morning, I was laughing uncontrollably at my toys. They are so funny sometimes.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thursday, August 23 - Cute outfit, a walk with Mommy

I started getting cranky again Thursday evening, so Mommy took me on a walk. It was an instant cure to my crankiness! I loved looking at everything, just taking all the great outdoors in! I even sat in the stroller for a bit and let Mom pull weeds after the walk.

These pants are now officially too small around since when Mommy sat me in the carseat, I couldn't bend at the waist! It stinks since I never grew into their length, just the waist.

Tuesday, August 21 - New toys!

After hours of me crying Monday night, Mommy decided to get some toys out of the attic to see if they would cure me. They worked a little. Aunt Val gave us these fun toys.

I was so excited!

It's really fun to chew on the padding of the chair!

Sunday, August 19 - Swimming

Sunday, I enjoyed swimming. Mommy says I already know how to pose for a picture! Maybe it's because Mommy is constantly flashing it in my face all day long.

Saturday, August 18 - Fun with Dad

I was being cranky Saturday evening while Daddy was outside working on Mommy's car. So, Mommy decided to bring me outside to see if that would change things. It did! I love being outside, espicially with Dad.

I'm helping Daddy already!

Mommy says this is the way poor folk go four wheeling! Daddy's four wheeler (notice the John Deere quad) broke down, so Mommy and I had to go get him and pull him behind the car all the way home. You can't really see the rope, but it's attached to Mommy's car. Mommy and Daddy seemed to think it was hilarious (and I'm sure the neighbors did too).

I enjoyed staring at the fish on Simon's bouncer.

Friday, August 17 - Simon's visit

Great-great Aunt Barbara made this beautiful blanket for me.

Aunt Lori made this one. It's so soft and I love looking at the bright colors of the Canadian flag!

Simon, his mommy and daddy came to stay Thursday and Friday night. We had fun staring at each other.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Sunday, August 12 - Picture Shoot

Teresa took these adorable pictures of me.

Something was so funny!

Saturday, August 11 - Moody Gardens

We went with Grandpa & Grandma Hottell, Uncle Jamie & Aunt Valerie and kids to Moody Gardens on Saturday. Emily loves "Cassie's baby."

Cousin Trenton is quite the little helper -- he loves giving me my soother and is always wanting to hold me. Mommy's pretty sure he thinks I'm his baby.

Daddy's new way of walking the stroller. It put me right to sleep and was easier on Daddy's hand!

The beach...

My Daddy and me.

Silly cousin Justin being a frog.

Daddy obviously took this picture.


Aunt Val is so funny!

Friday, August 10 - More Playing

Mommy got out my toys on Friday evening while we were waiting for Daddy to come home from work. I had a blast giggling at the funny toys and Mommy had fun watching me interact.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Monday, August 6 - Learning to play

Serena had told us that babies sleep much better when they're swaddled, so we tried it out last night. I was hoping he'd sleep through the night, but it didn't work.

Serena brought hamburgers that Aaron grilled after his surgery on Monday.

I got this great idea to put toys on Elias' bouncer and he loved them! He giggled, hit and kicked at them.

Sunday, August 5 - Family picture