Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sunday, April 27 - Sleeping

This is what Lias looked like before we were even out of the driveway! I guess fun weekends tire him out!

Carlene riding Timex.

Lias petting Star with Lessie.

Carm riding the pony...

The fun family we went to see!

One last ride before we had to leave...

Saturday, April 26 - Fun with Friends

Kelsey and Lias on the swing.

Lias and Laney loved sitting on Rodney's lap.

Laney reading to Lias. He isn't a very patient subject to read to.

Trista and Lias

Jared gave Lias his cellphone. I believe he made a friend for life!

Carlene & Lias

As always, the guitar was intriguing to Lias. I love these father/son moments.

Another outside crawl

Daddy riding the pony...it was slightly too small for him.

Lias on the pony.

Lindsey & Lias

Lias spent most of the day at Tickfaw State Park pushing around his own stroller.

When we were taking this picture, a lady walked by and said "it's amazing what people put their kids through!" Yup, pretty sure I checked and putting your child in an alligator's mouth is child abuse.

Friday, April 25 - Trip to Louisiana

From that expression, it doesn't look like his feet taste so good! This weekend, we took a trip to Baton Rouge, LA. Apparently, the ride was boring for a certain little boy!

We stopped to let Lias play in the grass at McDonald's.

A sweet boy peering at me from the back seat.

Wheels, wheels and more wheels...

The outside crawl...

Thursday, April 24 - Fun with Lorelei

We went to get an inspection today. We also got this cool cup that lessens the spill of cherrios. Lias was a very good boy for the inspection.

Sweet Miss Lorelei

Hyper Lias. His hyperactivity is even contagious!

Wednesday, April 23 - Growing!

Grandma got this outfit for Lias and when I put it on him, I noticed that his tummy his too big for it!

Today, my sneaker made vrooming sounds and mysteriously wound up on the couch?!

Tuesday, April 22 - Dogs

Lias loves chasing the dogs around the house.

Sunday, April 20 - Aunt Mel

Crazy Aunt Mel

Everything goes "vroom" to Lias. This time it happened to be a really cool car that pops wheelies that Laura got for him.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Saturday, April 19 - Swimming!

We enjoyed our first swim of the season on Saturday. Lias had a blast. I can't wait to do this everyday this summer!

Nate and Lias held hands and carried on quite the conversation at Nate's baby shower.

Elias has a funny secret to tell one of the twins.

Elias loved playing in the water. It was a bit too cold to get all the way in, Lias loved kicking his feet.

Friday, April 18 - Friends

The Cortez boys loved to chase Lias around the house. If Lias would stop, they would pile up on top of him.

While Mommy cleaned out the car, Lias found the tree. (Thanks for the adorable outfit, Sara!)

Wednesday, April 16 - Outside!

The weather has been beautiful lately so we've had lots of time to play outside. This fun new toy from Aunt Valerie is great to keep Lias entertained!

I was trying to capture his hilarious face when he pulled out the pans, he would turn his face and scrinch it up, expecting the bang. Hilarious.

Tuesday, April 15 - Ireland

More looking at the dogs...I was trying to capture the Ireland shirt that Nana brought him back from her travels.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday, April 13 - Bluebonnets!

Elias didn't much appreciate being put in a box.

We actually got a good bluebonnet picture this year! I'm so excited about that since last year, our pictures didn't turn out. Elias is even smiling.

Playing peek-a-boo on the way to meeting. Elias loves to cover his head with the blanket and then die laughing as he pulls it off.