Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday, March 21 - Getting into EVERYTHING!

I've heard of kids being scared of the vacuum, but we have the opposite problem in our household. Elias follows the vacuum around and got tangled up in the cord today. Maybe it's my obsession with vacuuming that makes him think it's great fun, too. I just can't stand for there to be little pieces of who knows what on the floor for Elias to eat. So, daily, we try to vacuum the floor and daily, Elias tries to catch the vacuum. He normally does.

He also figured out how to get the hose off the vacuum today.

He had sphagetti-o's for lunch today. He liked them much better than the sphagetti noodles!

This is what our goofy little boy does all day long. He has an insane amount of energy.

Elias must be in the same room as I am, and thankfully, now he can get there on his own. He just pants like a dog when he's doing so.

Thursday, March 20 - A Fun Dishwasher

I left Elias alone for less than a minute to take out the trash and I came back to this...he had gotten in the dishwasher and couldn't get out!

Monday, March 17 -- More

Who needs a walker when you have a diaper box?

Telling Dad about his day...

Elias gets so excited when Daddy gets home from work. He'd been pretty crabby all day, but the minute Daddy walked in the door, Elias turned into the happiest boy you'd ever seen. Maybe it's because Daddy lets him crawl all over the couch?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, March 17 - Getting into stuff

I gave Elias pasta today in hopes that he would like it since it's so easy to make and so cheap...well, this seems to be one of the first foods he's rejected. Here, he's pushing away the plate. It did eat a little bit, but wasn't so sure about his food being in tiny little strings.

Elias loves the pantry. In fact, I think the kitchen is the funnest place to play in the whole house. There's the pantry to get into if Mom leaves the door open (which is pretty much all the time), the dishwasher if Mom's loading it to climb into and the fridge if he can get there before Mom/Dad closes the door.

More time spent looking at the puppies...this must be why my door has tiny fingerprints all over it!

Sunday, March 16 - Chillin with Dad

On Sunday morning, Dad and Elias spent some bonding time together. He would just sit and stroke Dad's cheek. So cute.

Saturday, March 15 - Flea market

We went to the flea market on Saturday with Grandpa & Grandma Hottell, Uncle Wayne & Aunt Ann, Uncle Drew and Uncle Jamie & Aunt Val and cousins. Elias loved riding in the wagon. Guess we should get him one.

Friday, March 14 - More Fun

Another one of his fun expressions...

We went to Tokyo Steakhouse on Friday night with Uncle Jamie, Aunt Val & cousins. Elias was completely mesmerized by the fire/funny guy throwing food. This is one of the few pictures I have with him not looking at the camera since he always turns to look. This time, though, he was too enthralled by the fire to bother with cameras!

Friday afternoon, Elias started to get fussy, so outside we went in an attempt to cure them. It definitely worked!

We got the priviledge of having Yvonne for Thursday afternoon through Friday afternoon. Elias loved her.

It was super windy outside, but Elias loved it. He even started to sing!

Wednesday, March 12 - Fun toys

He's not mad; this is one of his playing faces. He loves expressions.

Apparently, a pot and pan are the funnest of toys.

Elias pushed his walker over to see the dogs.

He spends especially long periods of time looking outside, especially for a little boy that can't ever sit still!

Elias loves to shake his head "no."

More fun with a spoon and a pot...

Daddy and Elias being silly...

Tuesday, March 11 - Silly Boy

As Dad sat down to put on his shoes, Elias decided to "get" him. He was across the room and crawled over and grabbed onto Dad's back. So cute.

Today I found grease on Elias' shirt! No clue still where he got it, but it's there and proof that he is his father's son.

Thursday, March 6 - New Couch!

The Firebird...finally coming out of the garage!

Our "new" couch. We wrapped it in shrink wrap since it was raining. We joked that this is probably the only time we'll have a couch wrapped in shrink wrap since we'll probably never buy a new couch.

Today, Elias and I went shopping for Special Meeting clothes. Elias had fun riding in the cart.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another fun toy...

I love how he uses his mouth to pull himself up! His facial expressions are priceless...Also, his one-handed attempt to wave makes him topple over. The whole thing reminds me of a wobbly old man. We must be first time parents if we think this is funny, huh? Or maybe we just have a sense of humor...

This one's pretty redundant...

Here you can actually see slow progress, which is what I intended in the first place.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Some random videos...

Lias is doing pretty well at walking holding onto furniture. Yesterday, he walked from the footstool to the chair to the table, and then proceeded to take the knob off the drawer on the table! Crazy kid.

Apparently, horses trotting and neighing are pretty funny.

Falling over is apparently funny, too. Very intentional, as you can see.

Last night, Daddy played guitar for Lias before he went to bed. It made Elias so tired he couldn't even crawl over to play with Daddy's shoes!

More dancing...

And another crawling one...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Will Crawl for Food

These two videos were taken on Wednesday and 'Lias has improved his crawling quite a bit since then. Today, we actually got him to crawl to Daddy and another time for toys.

Saturday, March 1 - Firebird!

As I sat here uploading pictures to the blog, I noticed Lias' pants had fallen off! He steps on the bottoms of the pants and then pulls them off. You see, it's easier to crawl that way!

I love the look on his face in this one..."really, Daddy?"

We sat Elias in the Firebird to "help" Daddy today. Not a second after he was set in the seat, he climbed up the door!

Friday, February 29 - More pulling up

Elias is more interested in pulling himself up than crawling these days. He's gotten quite good at "cruising" and can walk around the office pretty well holding onto the couch/exersaucer/toy bench/computer chair. The kitchen's not so exciting, so he only walks around the fridge.

Thursday, February 28 - Austin Children's Museum

Lorelei at ACM

Two friends...

And two more friends...

Daddy driving a "crane"

Elias even got to fish!